Vote No! - Save $100M and Spend $45 M!! Using Kids as Political Pawns is Unethical
Fellow Residents, Please Vote No for the wasteful, unaffordable and unethical D86 Referendum. See below revelation that D86 Board...
Fellow Residents, Please Vote No for the wasteful, unaffordable and unethical D86 Referendum. See below revelation that D86 Board...
But hate has no home in your heart, huh lady?
No ... hate has no home for this woman-child... - except in her heart and for her fellow neighbors who are opposed to a far-too pricey...
Listen to the broadcast here.
Angry D86 Residents Filled With Hate Literally Attack Mottl During a Night Out for Dinner - LISTEN TO THE RECORDING - and hear OBJECTIVE...
Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills, Stop the massive $208 MILLION (with interest) tax increase. This is $2,300 per student for 20 years...
Fellow Residents, Please VOTE NO! (you can vote now - click here for voting info) See the recently published Hinsdale School News, a...
Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills, Vote NO for D86! Football Coach Quits after Sports Cancelled - read below D86 Board Campaign...
Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills, Vote NO for D86! Stop the massive $208 MILLION (with interest) tax increase. This is $2,300 per...
Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills, Stop the massive $208 MILLION (with interest) tax increase. This is $2,300 per student for 20...
Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills, Vote NO for D86! Stop the massive $208 MILLION (with interest) tax increase. This is $2,300 per...
Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills, Please Vote NO in D86! The $208 MILLION tax increase is wasteful and unethical. This is $2,300 per...
Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills & D86, See the top ten list of wasteful spending ideas on the massive tax increase proposed again in...
Fellow Residents of District 86, Vote NO! - D86 Referendum is wasteful, unaffordable and unethical plus $67.9 MILLION more reasons to...
Fellow Residents of District 86, 192 False Safety Claims by D86 We all expect safe schools and we expect the truth from school...
Fellow Residents of District 86, Vote NO! The D86 Referendum is wasteful, unaffordable and unfair (voter information - order absentee...
Fellow Residents of District 86, The D86 Board has recycled their Wasteful, Unaffordable and Unfair referendum of $208 MILLION ($139M...
Fellow Residents of District 86, We introduce what we believe is a serious and material conflict of interest in D86. Why wasn't baseball...
Dear Neighbors, C4CH predicts that the pro union D86 Board will NOT cut any core AP Classes, nor will D86 be cutting the Football or...
Dear Neighbors, Excessive property taxes and high water rates are hurting all of our property values in CH!! Our local leaders can take...
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