Fellow Residents of Clarendon Hills, Please Vote NO in D86! The $208 MILLION tax increase is wasteful and unethical. This is $2,300 per student for 20 years. Voter intimidation and cancellation of football (and other activities) for a political purpose has no place in our community. C4CH urges a "NO" vote as a pathway for immediate reinstatement of sports and to heal the community. A refocus on students and education plus fixing existing issues is detailed in the C4CH PLAN. Len on Cable TV - telling another whopper??
We follow-up with more antics from Len Austin, the CH Village President. This time Len uses his Village title on local cable TV ads to promote D86's massive tax increase. While balancing on a razor's edge of truth, Len says "these cuts are real" regarding the sports and activities cancellations. Really Len?? The D86 Board is changing in May and there is a meeting scheduled by D86 on April 3rd to reverse the cuts. The budget is $110M+, with tens of millions in the bank. Which is it Len, and how can you guarantee what the future Board will do? Are these cuts real or is this merely intimidation of families using the cancellation of football to buy votes?? It seems Len has no problem bending the truth and supporting unethical bully tactics against kids & families.
There is more below.
Len Austin's TIF - taking away tax revenue from schools Len also appears to be advancing a downtown CH TIF (tax increment financing) scheme which takes downtown property out of the property tax rolls for ALL schools for about 20 years. On the D86 issue Len is supporting the massive tax increase. Then Len is advocating for lowering school tax revenue for his proposed TIF in CH. Len - what lessons are you teaching our kids? Where is the ethics? Increase taxes one minute for D86 then reduce taxes to D86 for the proposed TIF District. Len Austin's Big Whopper Regarding C4CH Below is an editorial
Truth is so discounted that people in elected office regard truth as only a minor nuisance. Case-in-point lies with Clarendon Hills Village President Len Austin and his untrue statements regarding C4CH and the wasteful $208 MILLION D86 Referendum (including interest).
Len states, that to the best of his knowledge, C4CH consists of one person, C4CH President Ed Corcoran. Len knows this is a false statement as he acknowledged me (John Jasper Treasurer) as a C4CH leader during a recent CH caucus interview for his election. I didn't support Len's candidacy due to unsustainably high water rates, tax increases and overspending. There was an additional C4CH member also present who didn't support Len. Len personally knows of at least 4 on the C4CH Steering Committee yet deliberately decided to mislead the community to marginalize C4CH.
Len claims he represents all of Clarendon Hills. Untrue. He knows a large number in CH are not with him on the high water rates (highest in Chicagoland), high taxes and overspending. Clarendon Hills voting results clearly show a majority voted with C4CH in nearly every school referendum, not to mention against the failed Home Rule power grab in CH. Two recent D86 wasteful referendums failed yet Len dismisses the voters in CH who are against the wasteful D86 overspending.
This editorial is from a letter written by long-time resident, conservative, and C4CH Treasurer, John Jasper. We thank him for his countless efforts and volunteerism!
C4CH respectfully requests that Len retract his statement and apologize for his behavior.
Vote NO! - This referendum is wasteful, unaffordable and unethical (voter information - order absentee ballots - we need every vote!!) Please consider a donation to C4CH as we need funds for operations. Send a check to C4CH at PO Box 43 in CH. Your Neighbors,
C4CH - Citizens for Clarendon Hills Edward A. Corcoran President