Dear Neighbors, We want to introduce the $1.4M Classrooms to highlight the wasteful spending in the nearly 1/4 $ Billion referendum ($166M + with interest). NUMBERS DON'T LIE.
The referendum will add ONLY 5 NEW classrooms (3 classrooms and 2 labs all at Hinsdale Central), if there is even a need for new classrooms. The spending is $1.4 million per new classroom, even though the new classrooms will be a conversion of the gymnastics and wrestling areas at Hinsdale Central. The total cost for 5 classrooms is $6.8 million which is about $850 per square foot (based on a 1,600 s.f. classroom). As a point of reference a high-end residential kitchen or high-end office space could be $400/s.f. Here, the building shell already exists - foundation, walls and roof. You decide if $850/s.f., $1.4M classrooms will help or hurt property values. Here are other startling numbers from the referendum detail.
$48.4 million on athletic facilities
$24 million on administrative, counselor and special-ed offices
$29.5 million on operation and maintenance improvements
$11 million on life-safety improvements - NO REFERENDUM REQUIRED and overpriced
$39.5 million on renovation of common space
$12.2 million on auditorium improvements
Note EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS are only 15.5% of the referendum in the pie chart bellow.VOTE NO!!
Note: 2017 - a $76M referendum failed in April of 2017, Voters said no 3:1
Overspending and high taxes hurts property values and does not make our kids any smarter. Vote No!
Another unaffiliated group is running a campaign against the referendum - District 86 Can Do Better. Visit their site.
We respect education and your hard-earned money. If you would like to help quietly or actively advocate for fiscal conservatism with C4CH, please send us an email at
Your Neighbors - C4CH